@AFBrat77: then if that happens what would keep you safe if the govt where to change and the rich took over.
how would the people prevent that?
there many places this happen in a country they all thought was safe.
i can name a dozen where they round up those who where doctors and such who they thought pose a risk.
they never where found.
what prevents any govt from doing anything?
what if some guy like ted cruz where to try to turn the usa into his own Christian like iran....complete with Christ like mulla's.
how would you stop that?
what if he decide you where an infindel and sent you off to some camp along with trans,gays,liberals,and anyone that not christen in his book.
you might think this is crazy talk right....it happens.
in argentina,laos,cambodia,burma,germany and a lot of countrys around it that after had the pleasure of the red army keeping them safe for decades along with secret police.
it happen in central America and even in Europe as late as a decade ago.
we they come for you what protection or risk will you offer such a force?
never happen in America you think.
people thought that in iran too in 1978.
look how fast isil spread.
like a plague.
I know your type.....you would trade liberty for security .....someone said something about that once.
I am not some GOP wanna be ...infact I am a social democrat who lives a stones throw from where the first shots rang out that made this nation free.
those who risked everything 240 years ago to grant you the rights you seem not to care about.
whats one less right......right.
if it prevents someone who is twisted from harming you.....
whats one less right for those who live in sinapore....they are real safe.
but thing about police states like Singapore is you cant run for election there......because if you say anything there they just drag you into court and thake everything you own till you and your family is out on the street.
look at Thailand where the army not just over throw 1 president but 2 even after the people elect both fair and free.
in Thailand if you speak out about the king or royal family your thrown in jail.
or step on any image of the king or make a simple like mistake we take for granted here.
Thailand a nice place to vacation sure....but how free is it.
in france they can arrest you and hold you for months as they build a case.
in japan they had a 99 % conviction rate.....how is that possible you may wonder..
japan looks safe.
are your freedoms not worth much.
your rights are protected not by some paper but by those who stand in harms way.......it allways been this way.
some even give up a heck of a lot of rights and freedom to serve this nation but in the end of the day it the people who made this land.
we the people.
freedom not free ever.
there a price.
a butchers bill sometimes.
be glad we not seen any price like in the past.
we not had any real costly war in a very long time.......other than Iraq we been very lucky.
I feel for the 49 people killed and there family but it is part of a much greater problem we need to fix.
we need to help those who are lost and free mental medical for everyone would go along way.
gun bans would do nothing to prevent that.
I know many people here today take freedom for granted because they never seen bad places.
I have and I can tell you overnight people can change.
anything can.
history is most clear on this.
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