What you say guys, can you win in a fair fight against the WWE ladies? I'm positive i don't stand chance against MMA or Kickboxer or Kung Fu expert ladies, but WWE i dunno. I think i can beat those WWE Diva's, not sure about the tough looking ones.
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Assuming no low-blows, I could probably pin a lot of them. They don't normally compete with the men because of their strength differential. Sure, they are fit and athletic, but they aren't in the same league.
A woman like Chyna or Lita? That's another story entirely. Lol, they'd mop the floor with me.
Assuming no low-blows, I could probably pin a lot of them. They don't normally compete with the men because of their strength differential. Sure, they are fit and athletic, but they aren't in the same league.
A woman like Chyna or Lita? That's another story entirely. Lol, they'd mop the floor with me.
You absolutely sure? I'll assume you are just a regular guy like rest of us ( No fighting Skills or Fit enough), on basis of that :)
What you say guys, can you win in a fair fight against the WWE ladies? I'm positive i don't stand chance against MMA or Kickboxer or Kung Fu expert ladies, but WWE i dunno. I think i can beat those WWE Diva's, not sure about the tough looking ones.
Fight? i would much rather do a 1v1 or 1v2 in a whole different setting with some of them :D
What you say guys, can you win in a fair fight against the WWE ladies? I'm positive i don't stand chance against MMA or Kickboxer or Kung Fu expert ladies, but WWE i dunno. I think i can beat those WWE Diva's, not sure about the tough looking ones.
Fight? i would much rather do a 1v1 or 1v2 in a whole different setting with some of them :D
That will require more stamina than a proper fight with em HeHe.
Could probably kick the shit out of Mae Young.
Considering that she died last year, it would be pretty pathetic if you couldn't...
It was just abit of fun but now adagio for strings seems to be playing.
What you say guys, can you win in a fair fight against the WWE ladies? I'm positive i don't stand chance against MMA or Kickboxer or Kung Fu expert ladies, but WWE i dunno. I think i can beat those WWE Diva's, not sure about the tough looking ones.
Fight? i would much rather do a 1v1 or 1v2 in a whole different setting with some of them :D
That will require more stamina than a proper fight with em HeHe.
Yes indeed and it may come up short :D but it would be fun trying.
What you say guys, can you win in a fair fight against the WWE ladies? I'm positive i don't stand chance against MMA or Kickboxer or Kung Fu expert ladies, but WWE i dunno. I think i can beat those WWE Diva's, not sure about the tough looking ones.
Fight? i would much rather do a 1v1 or 1v2 in a whole different setting with some of them :D
That will require more stamina than a proper fight with em HeHe.
Yes indeed and it may come up short :D but it would be fun trying.
HaHa yeah.
What you say guys, can you win in a fair fight against the WWE ladies? I'm positive i don't stand chance against MMA or Kickboxer or Kung Fu expert ladies, but WWE i dunno. I think i can beat those WWE Diva's, not sure about the tough looking ones.
Yeah right Indzman, you don't stand a chance. This would be you in a leg lock, lol .. This guy tried to steal her cell phone yesterday, she is a MMA fighter. WWE ladies are just as tough, they just look nicer.
What you say guys, can you win in a fair fight against the WWE ladies? I'm positive i don't stand chance against MMA or Kickboxer or Kung Fu expert ladies, but WWE i dunno. I think i can beat those WWE Diva's, not sure about the tough looking ones.
Yeah right Indzman, you don't stand a chance. This would be you in a leg lock, lol .. This guy tried to steal her cell phone yesterday, she is a MMA fighter.
Thanks for the heads up, i already knew i won't stand a chance against those MMA's from oppsite sex. DAMN! This guy seems to be crying and begging for breath and life :(
What you say guys, can you win in a fair fight against the WWE ladies? I'm positive i don't stand chance against MMA or Kickboxer or Kung Fu expert ladies, but WWE i dunno. I think i can beat those WWE Diva's, not sure about the tough looking ones.
Yeah right Indzman, you don't stand a chance. This would be you in a leg lock, lol .. This guy tried to steal her cell phone yesterday, she is a MMA fighter.
Thanks for the heads up, i already knew i won't stand a chance against those MMA's from oppsite sex. DAMN! This guy seems to be crying and begging for breath and life :(
She's cutting off his oxygen man, she's about to KO him, lol .
What you say guys, can you win in a fair fight against the WWE ladies? I'm positive i don't stand chance against MMA or Kickboxer or Kung Fu expert ladies, but WWE i dunno. I think i can beat those WWE Diva's, not sure about the tough looking ones.
Yeah right Indzman, you don't stand a chance. This would be you in a leg lock, lol .. This guy tried to steal her cell phone yesterday, she is a MMA fighter.
Thanks for the heads up, i already knew i won't stand a chance against those MMA's from oppsite sex. DAMN! This guy seems to be crying and begging for breath and life :(
She's cutting off his oxygen man, she's about to KO him, lol .
Serves him right LOL.
@korvus: My apologies. 'twas a joke though. In reality, I've a really soft spot for women in my heart. Maybe that's the reason I'm so bad at conversing with them.
@gwynnblade: Still, you know you'd get lynched if I let the comment up, right? =P Not a very popular thing to say around here (thankfully)
@indzman: You should never either overestimate yourself or underestimate an opponent...the day I start thinking I can win a fight against everybody is the day I get my ass handed to me. Also, TaeKwonDo is mostly a flashy martial art...few moves are usable in a fight...it's mostly 1 hit KO or you'll be in trouble using TKD...especially against grapplers...
Hard to say as their skills aren't really on display, WWE is just entertainment.
That said, probably quite a few of them but that doesn't make me feel good lol
@indzman: You should never either overestimate yourself or underestimate an opponent...the day I start thinking I can win a fight against everybody is the day I get my ass handed to me. Also, TaeKwonDo is mostly a flashy martial art...few moves are usable in a fight...it's mostly 1 hit KO or you'll be in trouble using TKD...especially against grapplers...
Thanks for letting me know your weak point. I'll better make freindship with a MMA and keep him or her close incase you decide me as your target in future LOL.
Against WWE wrestlers? Sure...against MMA ladies? Not so sure...
Unless you're well versed in holds and locks they'd probably dispatch you (and pretty much everyone else) pretty fast I'd imagine.
And let them hit my Dragon Ballz, you lost you're damn mind indzman XD.
Dragon's *
So, you're not going to fight them yourself?
@gwynnblade: My mama always told me to be a gentleman. Never put yo hands on a Lady :-)
So, you had sex the handless way?
Crud, I misread the title assuming you meant the MMA women, thus I'll address that. Yes, some of us could win against them. Not very many, obviously, but some. It's no different than there are a few men who could beat the best female tennis players in the world. It's only a few of those who are well trained and have experience, but a few could. As for beating any MMA women, I couldn't at my age, but many of us trained in hand to hand combat in the military, and elsewhere, could have when we were younger.
Unless you're well versed in holds and locks they'd probably dispatch you (and pretty much everyone else) pretty fast I'd imagine.
Who? The wrestlers or the MMA fighters?
Probably not. I'd try to cop a feel which would pi** her off even more.
Honk Honk. ;) Slap! POW! I'm seeing stars.....
You absolutely sure? I'll assume you are just a regular guy like rest of us ( No fighting Skills or Fit enough), on basis of that :)
I weigh 270 lbs and can lift 100 lbs over my head.
Those women probably barely weigh 140 lbs. I'd have a distinct weight and strength advantage. Most look more like models than anything else.
I'd be more afraid of my fiancée's trainer, who is 4'11", 110 lbs, ripped like a beast and can bench 150.
You absolutely sure? I'll assume you are just a regular guy like rest of us ( No fighting Skills or Fit enough), on basis of that :)
I weigh 270 lbs and can lift 100 lbs over my head.
Those women probably barely weigh 140 lbs. I'd have a distinct weight and strength advantage. Most look more like models than anything else.
I'd be more afraid of my fiancée's trainer, who is 4'11", 110 lbs, ripped like a beast and can bench 150.
A press (lifting over head) isn't the same as a bench though; assuming strict press, overhead is a lot harder. So someone might be able to bench 150# doesn't mean they can press 100#.
Assuming the trainer is a woman, benching 150# for 110 person is pretty badass, but women have different standards than men. For 110 men, they will need to bench 220# to be the athletically equivalent.
A press (lifting over head) isn't the same as a bench though; assuming strict press, overhead is a lot harder. So someone might be able to bench 150# doesn't mean they can press 100#.
Assuming the trainer is a woman, benching 150# for 110 person is pretty badass, but women have different standards than men. For 110 men, they will need to bench 220# to be the athletically equivalent.
Oh, I'm aware. I'm just giving a relative idea to indz how much strength I have, and could relatively easily manhandle a woman who doesn't have equivalent strength.
Yeah, she is a woman, a tiny little woman who is a huge nerd and has a multiple degree black belt in karate. Her athletic history is frightening.
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