Pheromone...Simple. it works like this, studies show that women and men both can sense anothers pheromone or "sent". Usually it is a form for humans to find a potential mate. Why do you think that when you see a person, for some reason you dont know why, you're not attracted to that person? Think about it guys, I remember one of my friends talking about it, there is this Pheremone Cologne that they sell. They put pheromone in the cologne and it makes a girl rage for you. I have never had a problem with women, I be party'in all night. But, I think im going to put it to the test because there is this one girl unlike every other I been with, that I want so bad but she doesnt like me. I'm going to try it out and see if it works. I'm not sure about what brand is best but based on the reviews, I am a potential mate for her >=] She's done
what do you guys think? The only reason I dont see it as a Scam is because scientifically tested, humans are attracted to Pheromone. Buy it in Cologne form yyyeeeaaaaahhhhh bbbboooooiiiii!
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