Okie doke.
Credit card companies will not make an attempt to collect until the payment is 30 days past due. If you pay it before this time it will not negatively affect your credit. However, after you have missed a payment for 30 days (or one full billing cycle) the credit card company can, and most likely will, report you as 'slow pay' to the credit reporting agencies. This will show up on your credit report along with the month and year for the most recent slow pay. Slow pay does affect your credit report negatively but not by that much. Information on your credit report will stay for seven years before it falls off.
If you continue to not pay the credit card company will move your account into collections at some point (there is no set time, it varies between companies but I would guess 90 days or so). The move to collections will also negatively affect your credit as it reports under its own category. Most lenders will not lend anymore if they see that an account is in collections. So despite the fact that it lowers your score the main problem is that you will be cut off no matter how high your score still is.
Eventually, after a logner period of time without paying, the credit card company will either charge your account off (you don't have to pay but your credit takes a severe hit), seek a judgement (unlikely as it is unsecured but depends on the balance), or sell your account to a collection company. Either way your credit has taken a beating by this time due to the time it has spent in collections.
The thing to remember with credit is that it is similar to a GPA in the fact that it is easy to bring down but hard to get back up. You will lose any bargaining power when it comes to lenders and will have to settle for the default maximum rate (recently raised from 21%) when borrowing. That is, if anybody will approve you.
How long do you expect the problem to last?? If yo uare responsible and diligent you can float your balance to other cards but that is becoming harder. Not to mention it only buys you time. In the end you still have to pay it.
EDIT: As for credit counseling: be very, very wary of these places. Many will 'negotiate' in that they call the credit card company fro you, tell them you are going to be slow pay, and 'give' the credit card companies your credit score to ruin in exchange for them not bugging you as much. It is a fallacy, for the most part, that they will negotiate lower rates. By using the card you agreed to the credit card company's terms, why should they lower the rate (a measurement of risk vs. returm) for a customer who just asked becaue they were having trouble paying?? Just make sure you know how the credit counselor helps you and what approach they take.
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