The dollar is dead...
China/Russia has quite the dollar. China has put alot money into the u.s dollar but they have said forget it. You use to go their with a U.s dollar and they would be happy to accept it but not no more...
French president even said the dollar was great but it time is near.
The bailout was stupid majority of the people didn't even want it. Shoot look at other nations who has done it. It IS a SHORT TERM to hold up the dollar. What a waste!!!
America people want Cheap goods but want jobs. But it doesn't work like that WE Americans have high standards we will not work for a dollar a day ect. China man working for Honda building cars get backed 500 bucks a month here in America can get backed 30-40 bucks an hr... Shoot GM has janitor's get paid 28 bucks...
A: American people need take a stand and start forcing company's to come back by refuse of buying non u.s made products
B Government needs to lower the business tax. Why because when a ceo is asked why they shipping the jobs out they say it's not the cost of a product/ or the wage they have to pay it's the tax. Also it's funny how all these big business get tax cuts while America was build on small business and they never get a tax cut.
C: Government can say Hey no more if a % of these products are not made Here then your product is no longer welcome on the shelves. The business will say ok forget you we don't need you but latter they will move back because America is one of the largest consumers in the world on electronics. BUT that would destroy the free market we have here...
Can you imagine If u.s gov told Apple that if they wanted to sell other ipod That it would have to be created and made in U,S? 250 milion ipods been sold at the beining of 2010. i wounder what it is now... Hey maybe if apple moved their factorys they wouldn't have to put up suicide nets inside the factory... Google it if you don't believe me
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