So I posted up a topic about sarcasm and states of mind for my visual arts class. It gave me some great ideas, but I would also like to see people's insight in this subject matter.
I have to draw Hatred. Make the viewer feel hatred and hated.
So I typed up the assinment that was written on the course outline and it is a mouth full.
Take a read and please give some insight:} :
Hating someone is a universal human experience. It ranks right up there with lying as something that everyone does. Naturally, at some time or another everyone inevitable feels hated.
Hatred is often associated with social groups: Democrats hate Republicans, whites hate blacks, Germans hate Jews, Islamic Jihadists hate Christians, women hate men, everyone hates their mother. hatred provides the rationale for facism and genocide; it's truly stunning how genocide repeatedly occurs with the tacit approval of society.
The psychological basis of this sort of hatred is wrapped up with projection and paranoia: We unconsciously identify in others those aspects of ourselves that we despise, we demonize them for possessing these qualities, and finally we destroy them. In the process we cleanse ourselves of these awful personal qualities. "Ethnic cleansing" is a form of personal cleansing for each genocidal co-conspirator.
The homophobic thug who taunts and then brutally assaults a homosexual is symbolically attacking and trying destroy his own deeply troubling homosexual urges.
Your assingment is to represent in a very personal way what these feelings of hating or being the subject of hatred feels like. No cliches. Make the viewer feel hate; make the viewer feel hated. However, and most impotantly, your owrk should sympathetically support a compassionate rendering of this experience and contribute to a more huame society.
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