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Right, and when you're in pain an adult does the following:
a) posts on the internet
b) goes to a doctor
Only one answer is correct!
Well first off you should try rinsing your eye out maybe, like get water in a clean glass and then kinda hold the glass up against your eye and swoosh the water all over yourself, and then maybe give it til tomorrow to see if it gets better.
If it gets all gloopy and conjunctivitis-y though then definitely go to the doctor and/or optician.
I did run it under cold water for 2 minutes and it eased the pain but it just came back.. @DE Onw I'm an Adult two - WHy not ask OT ? maybe they had this happen before as well and maybe they will share advice like MissLibrarian just did.Well first off you should try rinsing your eye out maybe, like get water in a clean glass and then kinda hold the glass up against your eye and swoosh the water all over yourself, and then maybe give it til tomorrow to see if it gets better.
If it gets all gloopy and conjunctivitis-y though then definitely go to the doctor and/or optician.
You said it's been hours. I assumed you tried washing your eye out or at least hecked it out to make sure you didn't accidently scratch it in your sleep or something. It will PROBABLY go away on its own, but it's always best to go to the doctor anyway when it regards sensitive areas like the eye.
Scratching it would make sense..It the pain hasn't gone down in the morning I'll go see my DR for eye drops or wehatever they do to make it stop. ANd my qoute to MissL made me realise I'm an idiot..I flushed it with well water not tap.You said it's been hours. I assumed you tried washing your eye out or at least hecked it out to make sure you didn't accidently scratch it in your sleep or something. It will PROBABLY go away on its own, but it's always best to go to the doctor anyway when it regards sensitive areas like the eye.
Are you perhaps able to go purchase some sort of soothing eye-drops from your local branch of a pharmaceutical chain?
ANd my qoute to MissL made me realise I'm an idiot..I flushed it with well water not tap.KcubeThis amused me :P Maybe if you wish your eye were better it'll help.
Right, and when you're in pain an adult does the following:
a) posts on the internet
b) goes to a doctor
Only one answer is correct!
Some adults don't have medical insurance. Option A looks much better to them unless they're sure that they're dying or something serious like that.
99% chance it's pink eye, although I wouldn't wait a week to go to the doctor. It is also contagious so make sure you wash your hands. You can also spread it to your other eye. So stop touching your eye.Sounds like a case of pink eye to me, Don't mess with it and give some time. You should go to a doctor after a week though
I took a nap and when I woke up it felt like I had a dozen needles in my is dry but wont stop watering. It is also red like (not blood like red)..and my vision is blurred in that one eye.My other eye is fine. SO yeah I know people are going to say "goto the DR"..I dont think its DR worthy but has this happened to anyone else? Also..I thought it would just pass but its been hours now.KcubeI think you have ebola
Wel I just woke up and I have a sty)cant spell it) growing under my lid. Could explain the reason my eye hurt..Its painfull as hell but at least I know it isnt my eye about to pop out of my head and I cant put any medicine on it so I guess I'm stuck with the eye lid zit pushing against my eye. unless you guys know how get rid of it(Nail polish comments wil be laughed at but wont help)now a serious way to KcubeYou can use a hot compress like a very hot, wet towel(not too hot of course). That may help it to pop. Otherwise don't try to pop it and it will pop on it's own.
You can use a hot compress like a very hot, wet towel(not too hot of course). That may help it to pop. Otherwise don't try to pop it and it will pop on it's own. Thanks man..I'm going to try it.[QUOTE="Kcube"]Wel I just woke up and I have a sty)cant spell it) growing under my lid. Could explain the reason my eye hurt..Its painfull as hell but at least I know it isnt my eye about to pop out of my head and I cant put any medicine on it so I guess I'm stuck with the eye lid zit pushing against my eye. unless you guys know how get rid of it(Nail polish comments wil be laughed at but wont help)now a serious way to junglist101
Your eye looks fine to me.
Doctor Palantas is the man. You should have your own GameSpot soap opera!
If your eyelids didnt fully close when you slept, your front of the eye - the cornea - could have dried out and caused you to get a corneal abrasion. They tend to be very painful or irritating, cause your vision to get foggy, and give you the sensation that something is in the eye causing tearing. It should heal within 1 to 2 days. Try buying and using some of those artificial tears at the drug store.
If you are a contact lens wearer and slept with your contacts in, you could potentially have a serious eye infection and I would recommend seeing your eye doctor.
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