the guy always comes into threads with some snarky comment or lame joke trying to play for laughs. his posting style is annoying..he's like the dane cook of OT
Tired of posters posting in pithy patterns, perturbing you at every point?
You're in luck, OT user! With just a low payment of absolutely nothing (and having Firefox and Adblock Plus), you can pretend people don't exist with TD's patented Post Ignore! I can hear you now: "But wait TD, aren't you just telling me to scroll over po-
WELL SHUT YER FLAPPITY YAPPER, SPACE CADET! No, Post Ignore isn't some kind of snake oil warlockery, it's an actual tool that makes user posts disappear into thin air (only from your vision, mind you).
How does this work? First, have Firefox and Adblock Plus (NOTE: if you do not have Firefox and Adblock Plus, get Firefox and Adblock Plus). Second, click on the Adblock Plus icon and select "Filter preferences", then create the following custom filter:
gamespot.com##[class*="'author':'enterusernamehere"] > *
Activate it and POOF, the poster is gone forever from your mind like a bad fever dream!
*there is no ordering service for this product; it can only be obtained through a combination of Firefox and Adblock Plus. No terms or restrictions apply, quantities are infinite
you try so hard its sickening.
stop it dude. just stop
Well jeez, at least chuckle a little.
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