Not in school, but in the streets (THE STREETS MAN!!!)
It happened to me once, last year, I was on the school bus, it had been a really tired day, so I was sleeping inside the bus while listening to music from my MP3, I was next to an opened window, and the bus was already really empty so I was alone in the sit.
behind me there was a girl with a laptop, then, a guy dropped his cellphone accidentally (inside the bus ofc) so the driver stopped to help the guy find it.
then at the other side of the street, there was 3 men looking at the girl's laptop (Im only saying it according to what she had told me because I was SLEEPING)
then she noticed the guys were comming close, she closed her window, and she says that the guys stopped for like 5 seconds, then the guys stared at the place where I was, she didnt knew I was there so she didnt woke me up or closed my window, then, I felt that someone was pulling me out really hard, I was sleeping but at that moment I got aware that I was being pulled, I still had my eyes closed though, I said to myself (OMG my cousin is pulling me again ¬¬) then I opened my eyes and I just see 2 guys smiling and the fist of the 3rd one comming close to my face, too late, they hit me really hard but I reactionated fast, I pulled the hand with the MP3 back and let it go, they couldn't take it and I kicked the guy in his arm, the guys got away, they got away WALKING while I was being taken to the nursery (they mugged me in front of a power plant)
on the way I was bleeding badly, I looked at my reflex on a window and I was all covered in blood from my face to my torso, but I dont get scared with blood and I actually felt a lot of adrenaline and anger because I couldn't hit the guys.
on the nursery I blacked out because I had lost too much blood. next day I was listening to music with the same MP3, although it was completly bloodstained, it was still a cool mp3 :)
my dad bought me another one 1 month after :P
so what about you? tell us what happened when you got mugged ;)
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