Yes, I usually try to make stuff based off the show good eats on Food Network. I am actually right now online waiting for the chicken to brine..which I never even heard of but apparently it is worth doing. I just wonder how it is actually supposed to taste as compared to how I make it. He once made this "Adult Mac and Cheese" had lots of different higher end cheeses that took me more than a few stores to find. In the end it was ok, but I get the feeling I screwed up someplace.
Well essentially brining does a couple different things-- for one, it's a way of evenly seasoning an entire piece of meat, not just the outside. As well, salt (contrary to what many people think) helps *keep* moisture in proteins and thus results in a juicier and more moist final product.
With something like chicken, pork, beef you want to brine from anywhere from 12 - 24 hours, but any more than that it'll be far too salty. As well, because you can brine if for a longer time than something like seafood (which you'd only want to brine for an hour at most because it's so delicate) you have the opportunity of flavoring your brines with seasoning and spices.
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