Gang stalking and being a targeted individual are very serious and dark topics where anyone dares talk about that crap is assumed to be in need of some medication (while cared for at some institution)
If all you are getting are some spoof phone calls and changing your phone number sorted the problem, no worries.
I can tell you, being a targeted individual is worse than being dead. Caught this crap while working for some digital agency in Cape Town, South Africa. Life ends the day you become targeted. In short, imagine being in a sci-fi movie and the villains are using some high tech remote weapons were they can kill you 100 miles away. Sadly in real life this super advanced tech is classified military grade and not so public knowlege. Defense force has only recently publicly admitted to the existence of such weaponry. Do a Google search for article/2015/07/28/us-usa-military-arms
But wait that's not all. There are is more creepy sci-fi like voodoo crap in the gang stalking world, most of which is technology based. Most people know about and RFID tag, the stuff you can put on your dog to track it in cased is gets lost (by GPS). It turns out the bad guys can play a similar trick where they can track you every move (every little thing you do) by just stealing your brain wave frequency resonance, you effectively become locked to this GPS.
The life of a TI is complete crap. In short destroy a person as though he is some lab rat from a distance. Why? Mostly for insurance fraud. Bad guy kills innocent person 100 miles away, bad guy NOT caught. No evidence!
CREEPY STUFF!!! The world we live in...
Its a good thing you looked these up just to keep an open mind. Off-course the bad guy will say: "No, what weapons, what gang stalking, its all in your mind. Take your pills"
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