Hmm, i like what Gamespot has done here....
anyway, my dad is an insane sleepwalker.....last night, he woke up, grabbed the tv remote, a pair of sunglasses, slept walked and COMPLETELY dodged our alarm system, walked and fell down about 30 stairs to the basement, busting open his lip (needed stitches) and scratched this humungous mark down the wall to the basement, started our car backed it out of the driveway and just left it there(and turned it off), and FINALLY woke up thinking that someone had broken into the house and hit him with a baseball bat. It looked like it, so i called the cops, they came and showed us everything, and we finally went back to sleep at 4 am. my dad didnt even feel the pain of his lip until this morning.....what an insane night. Âhere's a pic i took earlier with the stitches in....ouuccch
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