Whenever I speak its only when someone asks me a question, and its extremely lowrering my friend rate. I always sit alone at free-time, drawing or singing a little tune, I need tips on how to start conversations so I can get my friends back. I almost always don't know what to say, I am silent all the time, and I think alot before I speak. So, I want to tell one of my classmates I got new shoes. My mouth bites my tongue on its own accord and I end up walking up to them and running away. I follow people alot, as if I am weak, and I never speak, just hold my hands in front of me and follow someone. Any tips to make me not stupid looking and silent? I always think of what I've said in bed that I think is stupid and mean, It's horrible. I don't want to go talk my head off and feel bad about it. If I suddenly start yabbering my head off people will still think I'm weird. I have a very deep voice, and deformed teeth I need braces on. Okey, a girly deep voice. Not that deep though. But deep enough to make me sound odd for my age and my teeth have two layers. I don't like everyone staring at me like I'm a freak, which everyone does. I feel good being silent, I hear alot more. I feel alot more. I can listen and when people are having problems I can solve it with what Ive seen and heard. But I want to have more friends and not just sit there dwiddling my thumbs. Tips?
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