I've been trying to remember the name of this series for a few years now. It was a 5 or 6 part series (I think) with 2 hour episodes that aired on HBO or Starz in the mid 90's. Plot was about a high school kid who is recruited by this scientist from far in the future (a descendant of his best friend) who needs his help (kid can control time) in seeking out the parts to this super weapon that was hidden in the past to keep it out of the hands of this mad scientist who wanted to use it to conquer the future. They end up dropping through different Crazy unrecorded time periods in search of the parts to the device, being chased by the villain the whole way. The villain was a Black man in this pretty bad ass red exoskeleton armor. Along the way the gain two companions: this furry floating alien that kind of looked like Glomer and was apparently from a race that colonized earth before man, and this prehistoric warrior girl who used razor edged boomerangs ( I think) and kept trying to teach our hero the "code of the warrior."
The final episode revealed that the scientist they were journeying with was actually evil and the scientist chasing them in the red armor was actually a freedom fighter trying to find all the parts to a machine that would neutralize this global mind control device that the dystopian government of the future was using. Real villain steals armor and all their time travel devices and leaves them in the past ( our hero's home when he was just a baby and also their coincidentaly shrung to several inches tall) and all his companions and who he thought was the villain all sacrifice their existence (only way to build a working time machine is to cannibalise the parts from these wristbands they wore that kept them from being erased by the timestream.) so that our young hero can go to the future and battle the scientist who deceived him. He defeats him by aging the red exo- armor into a pile of rust.
Please help me, or I might just lose my mind!
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