My brother has asked me what the title of a film was we watched a long time ago and I cant remember it and was hoping someone here might know it. It was a few years ago I watched it, cant be earlier than 2000 (if so not by much). All I remember in the film is some woman goes to pick her sister up from a nearby town and when she gets back to her home town everyone has disappeared. They go looking round for people and find the decapitated head of someone in the bakery or something (the head falls out of an oven ruining a very nice looking pie). Then a bit later on some flying thing flies through a window and munches on some dude's face.
That is pretty much all I remember except for the end but my memory might be a little sketchy. Spoilers for the (possible) end:
[spoiler] The towns people are consumed by some kind of darkness or something and all create some huge dark beast at the end [/spoiler]
I know its not much but thats all we can remember. Anyone have any ideas?
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