It's that time again.....and since post parties ONLY occur because other users keep one around long enough to accrue the posts... I present the 2nd coming of the LJ awards which I've added to my blog series as well. Only the first three are done.:P
Without further ado....
megagene...Lifetime Achievement. No dispute.
Travo_basic....Most Underrated Vet. Start appreciating him.
bourbons3....Under The Radar User. Follow that radar.
horgen123...Best New Light in OT.
Guppy507.....Newcomer Most Underrated.
Aaronmullen....Cool User Award.
scorch62....Insightful User Indeed.
ff7fan2 and The_Zoid....tie. Users who most disappear and shouldn't.
sonicare....Most Likely to have Good Points ignored in a debate thread.
double_decker.....Iron Man award for never leaving his computer. (at one point)
Rawsavon....Most Likely to become the New Iron Man.
harry_james_pot and Aaronmullen...tie. Best New Blood.
the_foreign_guy....Most inventive.
Pirate700....Most Likely to have an opposing opinion but still respect.
Oblivion10....Most Likely to stand his ground in adversity. An admirable trait.
dave123321...Best Alias, otherwise known as Best Use of Numbers. He'll always be 123321 to me.
FragStains....Most Random yet Witty.
xaos....Most Like a professor...with a sense of humor.
bluezy.....Team Player.
btaylor2404, nocoolnamejim, and spazzx625....Triple tie. Mods that are a part of the OT Community. (And good users besides).
Jandurin....Most Likely to be a Blast at a Party Award.
Pianist....Longest Posts Award. IE...plays that keyboard like a piano.
Sajedene....Most Laidback.
Honorable Mentions....IE users that make OT what OT is....
DivergeUnify, tofu_lion, BlindBlueMonstah, dissonantblack, Film_Guy, xXBuffJeffXs. Cyberdarkkid, DarkKar, t3rubikscube, Doctor McNinja, Wilfred_Owen, Ice_radon,cutekittens.cjek, Omni-Slash, Engrish_Major, DJ-Lafluer, certifieddata, entropyecho....Sorry if I've misspelled any names...and as usual I have forgotten many many great users in OT. (Insert User Name here) :(
Users Most in Need of Returning....staidcoldlp, Samwell_X, uncledeath, Ninja-Vox....
On with the festivities. As it's a party....that means The Cure plays. So if you have them...break it out. If not...Why Not? Do I have to come to your house with my music? Don't worry I bring beer....but the music will be LOUD.
Special points to anyone who knows where the first part of the topic title came from....
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