Many people think that Harry Potter is a work of fiction, simply because there's no "proof" to suggest otherwise. Sure, J.K. Rowling has acted like these are works of fiction, but there are many strong theories that discredit her claims (listed below). And while my faith is strong enough for me to realize that everything in Harry Potter is in fact true, I realize that some people do not see reality as clearly as I do. Over the last few years, I have gathered quite a bit of evidence that supports my theory that Harry Potter is a religious text which we should all follow and heed. Here is my list:
First off, I believe one of the best pieces of evidence to support the existence of Harry Potter is simply because you can't disprove it. It even lays out very plainly in the books how the magical community use their powers to hide themselves. Obviously we wouldn't have any solid evidence, because they are magic and we are not. But I know what you're thinking... surely at some point there must be SOME slip somewhere in there world, and my answer would be that of course there are! I think a lot of "paranormal activity" reported around the world is actually some kind of magical sighting that was failed to be kept completely hidden. Not only that, the magical world can erase our memories... you might have seen someone use a wand right in front of you, but you just can't remember it. Some people say a single book is a poor source of knowledge about existense, but I believe this does not apply in my religion because there are seven books. That's seven times the evidence.
A few years ago, I decided to find physical evidence that the story of Harry Potter is historical text depicting how our savior bravely defended us from a dark and terrible wizard. I decided to seek one of the most sought after relics one could hope to find; the Holy Goblet of Fire. This goblet was the actual cup depicted in the fourth book, the one which our savior touched, and which brought him before the Dark Lord. After months of tireless searching, I finally found a man on Craigslist from Tennessee who claimed to have the actual relic. When I inquired as to how he came upon the goblet, he seemed rather reluctant to tell me the whole story, but he claimed to have gotten it from a source that had actually known the real Harry Potter. I met this man at a Denny's, and he showed me the article. It indeed matched the description found in the text, and after close inspection, I deemed it to be genuine. The man turned out to be rather portly man with an enormous beard, and I believe he may actually have been a wizard himself. I paid the magical wizard from the internet $12,000 for the goblet... that's almost the amount I make in a year, but little did the man know that that was still a bargain for such a priceless artifact.
And now, the whole "J.k. Rowling denying these are factual thing". The strongest theory we have now is that Rowling is actually Lord Voldemort in disguise. We believe he actually wrote and distributed the holy text himself, but with an altered ending... that's right, WE HAVE REASON TO BELIEVE THAT BEYOND A DOUBT, VOLDEMORT MAY HAVE INFILTRATED OUR COMMUNITY, AND WE ARE 100% CERTAIN THAT THE ENDING OF THE DEATHLY HOLLOW MAY OR MAY NOT HAVE BEEN ALTERED. We now believe that the Dark Lord has not yet been killed by Harry Potter, and if we don't have faith that this is a real problem, he will have no trouble conquering the world.
And finally, I believe the ultimate piece of evidence for the existence of Harry Potter is that the world is simply too amazing for there not to be magic. Science makes absolutely no sense, and therefore it is only logical the entire universe runs off magic, and everything ever can be explained by magic. When you put magic into the equation, everything suddenly makes sense, so it must be true. Even if you can't see the evidence as clearly as I do, you should still have faith, because if you're wrong, Lord Voldemort will just become stronger and stronger, and Harry Potter will leave you behind when he creates the new magical world of nirvana.
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