Ok, so I have an aunt has a severe mental promlem. She lives with my grandmother and I have to ask something, can anyone try and pinpoint this condition?
.She goes off into frequent fits of rage, it which she curses and slams doors, cabinets and hits things.
.She talks like someone is messing with her when there is no one messing with her, and curses as if she has an imaginary person messing with her or something.
.She doesn't take care of her self, and smells. She has a very bad apperance, is overweight and eats a lot.
.She performs normally, she's great at math she cleans the house when my grandmother tells her to, she can cook on her own. But she's not allowed to go out in public without someone being with her as she goes.
.She takes medicine which calms her down( I don't know the medicine)
My mom says that she used to watch some show or soap opera that she was really into and used to send one of the stars of the show presents and letters. And she used to get the stuff back, the guy didn't want the things so she went crazy. I for one think this is a lie, since the show and the story seems to alter alot. My mom said she's been like that for a while, but they didn't get her any help until relatively recently. I don't think what they're telling me is true, I don't even think that they even know her condition, and do feel if they would have got her help at early stages she wouldn't be like that.
She can't work, she can't do most task like a normal person. I don't get it, really.
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