my girlfriend adviced me not to drink, now I feel like absolute crap
I feel bad for not listening, anything I can do to stop my drunk pains
I got
Stomach Ache
can't walk right
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my girlfriend adviced me not to drink, now I feel like absolute crap
I feel bad for not listening, anything I can do to stop my drunk pains
I got
Stomach Ache
can't walk rightToriko42
lol...if you think you feel bad now, just wait until tomorrow morning.
Anyway, I think it's better to NOT try to alleviate the unsavory effects of drinking. You feeling bad is your body's way of telling you to stop drinking so much. So my philosophy is that one should listen to their bodies. If your body ****s you up when you drink, then so be it. Let that be a lesson to not drink so much next time.
Anyway, you could drink water, and take pain medicine for the inevitable headache. I don't recommend this though. Because like I said, your body is telling you not to drink so much FOR A REASON. If you just take medicine in order to ignore what your body is trying to tell you, and then you go out and get drunk tomorrow, then you really haven't benefitted from getting sick.
Drink more and pass out, for tomorrow is a new day...CreamBeavCrap, he took mine. Drink more + pass out = no pain, no criticism from your wife. ....until you wake up anyways. But that's, like, a whole 48 hours away, so don't worry about it!
Yeah, glad I could help.
[QUOTE="Toriko42"]my girlfriend adviced me not to drink, now I feel like absolute crap
I feel bad for not listening, anything I can do to stop my drunk pains
I got
Stomach Ache
can't walk rightYunvonn
Always listen to your girlfriend man...
i dont know why I didnt, she's always rightDon't do hangovers, stay drunk.
thats my philosophy anway.
EDIT: for stomach aches drink some pepsi, or 7UP, helps me.
Dizziness, not so sure, take some asperin.
And get hopped up on gatorade,energy drinks and sugar. itll relieve the symptoms until you wake up the next morning with puke stains on your shirt and a killer headache. Then make it up to to her for not listening, cause the next time you go for the budweiser, she will blast off with "REMEMBER WHAT HAPPENED THE LAST TIME YOU GOT DRUNK MISTER?".
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