@bmanva said:
Furthermore, one risk very much within the owners control while the other isn't (individual controls their own firearm safety but does not control whether they are targeted by criminals).
And here we reach the crux of the matter. All your clever little memes, all your browbeating, this is what it's all about. The feeling of control. This is why linking you to statistics we both know are out there and that you have undoubtedly seen and ignored before is pointless. This is why the common sense that says that the chances of a fatal gun accident in my house are ZERO while you have made them non zero in yours makes no difference. Because what is really at stake here is your feeling of control. That's what makes you want a gun, and it's what makes you need agreement that you do NEED a gun. And it's what irks you about me knowing that I don't need one. In a delicious bit of irony I actually accept that YOU do need one, but we'll get to that later. First, let's take a look at what your gun is doing "for" me...and everyone else.
I'm sure you're familiar with random mass shootings. A McDonalds in San Diego. A Theater in Colorado. An elementary school in Sandy Hook. No doubt you have commented on these events. Probably fed your feelings of control with the standard chestnuts about how "if someone like me had been there with a gun things would have been better." Thing is that someone like you WAS there. One reason I would never push you to agree with me is that I don't want to give you the final push. Before those shooters got the final push, the one that convinced them that their only path remaining to feeling in control was killing people, they were satisfied with winning arguments, just like you. Now, when they got that final push they would have killed with a knife, or a bat, but they were gun owners. Just like you. That's one thing your guns do for me. They give you that feeling of control without anyone having to be killed, and I'm glad for it.
Now let's look at what they do for a certain young mother at WalMart. Unlike me she listened to the arguments and smiled at the memes from people just like you, and it built in her a paranoia and a feeling of lost control that led her to believe she could only "feel safe" at the WalMart if she had a gun. She was looking at the shelves, as a shopper is likely to do. Her toddler in the cart was exploring her purse, as a toddler is likely to do. She's dead in an accidental gun death. You will rightly dismiss this as a lightning strike type of event. A one in a million that doesn't invalidate your arguments at all. I agree with you. So let's get back to discussing the Arizona kid who shot a home invader a few years back...oh, wait, now there's this Oklahoma case that's more current so you've moved on to using it as the proof that these things are happening to ordinary folk every day. Okay then. Enough about what your guns are doing for the rest of us.
On to where you have my complete agreement. Even though I don't need to carry a gun when I go to the kitchen for a bag of chips, I agree that you do. Because there is this guy in Oklahoma, and it did work for him. Unlike me, he lived in a targeted house. His local underground had identified his house as "a place with a lot of cash." I don't know why. Maybe he was dealing dope. Maybe he was a devoted follower of Alex Jones and had tried to convince his friends and neighbors that banks are part of the big space lizard conspiracy and the only safe place for money is a well guarded mattress. How his house became a target doesn't matter, what matters is that it was.
And here's the delicious irony. No doubt yours is too. See, that need to control, win arguments, get agreement; it means that I'm not likely to be the only person you've tried to browbeat. I'm most likely not the only person who knows you keep guns. And even though I neither know nor care where you live some of those people do. And in YOUR local underworld even though your house probably isn't known as "a place for cash" it is almost certainly known as a gun cache, which is the next best thing as targets go.
So carry on man! Grab your gun and go get yourself a bag of chips. I'm convinced that YOU need your guns, and I wish you all the best.
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