I just saw it and it's BRILLIANT! Thrilling and hilarious!
Like Shaun of the Dead, it combines two genres, cop action movies and comedy, to great effect. It's such a genius piece of film-making, in fact, that not only is the combination a masterpiece, but each facet taken individually (action, thriller, comedy) is actually done better than a lot of good movies belonging to one of those respective genres.
I'm glad to see that British comedy is really on the rise. A must-see.
You might notice that the poll is a wee bit biased. Huh huh, I said wee. Anyway, it's biased because the movie is so great that having an objective poll about it would be like asking people if they like free money and free sex. Really, the only options you need for such a poll are "yes", "what are you, stupid?" and "no, I'm a ****ing masochist and renounce all pleasures in life". You need the last option because, really, no collection of statistics is complete without the 1-3% of weirdos. Not that I'm saying that anyone who doesn't like this movie is a weirdo... I'm afraid I went a little far with my tangent there. So, to get back on topic: the poll is biased towards sane people.
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