He always lies to me and blows me off, and only hangs out with me when it's a good time for him (like when his other friends can't do anything) and doesn't care whether I don't want to or not. He just comes over unannounced. And sometimes he'll say he'll do something when I ask, but never does it (and he never calls or anything saying he can't, just blows me off). And a lot of the time he doesn't answer his phone when I call, or he just hangs up on me, but if I don't answer my phone, he makes a big deal out of it, and calls my house phone, and then tells me to turn my phone on because he hates it when I don't answer. He always mooches off me too (think Kramer, but less funny). I don't even like him that much, he's so freaking stupid it pisses me off. So, yeah, he's a dick.
So, I have a lot of ideas of how to get back at him, but none that don't have a possibility of jail time. Any suggestions? Also, I'm going for an ironic form of revenge, a "punishment to fit the crime" sort of thing... any suggestions? I need a collective brainstorm of the evil geniuses here...
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