How Can poor Countries Get Outta The Cycle Of Poverty? The West invaded a lot to get to this level. what can the poor countries to become developed?
This topic is locked from further discussion.'s not very easy.You need to encourage companies and investors to move into a country if their not particularly high in valuable resources like oil.For companies and investors to be encouraged to go in there must be a lack of conflict and talents and professionals.Which means education is very important.That's the reason why some countries help out other countries by building schools but their facilities are very basic,in fact,primitive.They also have to walk long distances in order to get to school.The long term way is to develop schools and education and with talents it will encourage companies to branch into the country and bring in money for the country and thus,rid of poverty.Some other factors is also to be taken into account.Unless your a Government of one rich nation or a tycoon,you can't exactly do too much except for charities.How well the Government uses the country's money is also important otherwise money will leak out meaninglessly.It's a rather complicated chain of proccesses.
Well thats a bit bleck but mainly true i guess. The problem is that there will always be poor countries no matter what. Until we start to band together as human beings insteed as individual states there will always be poor areas of the world because all countries make wealth off the backs of the poorer ones.They don't!!!!!!
Well, one problem a lot of countries have is a dictatorial government. I know a lot of African nations have been hurt by the constant conflict and oppressive regimes. My idea, though, is to try and get the hemp industry restarted in the western world. Hemp could be used in the manufacture of fuel, clothing, motor oil, synthetics, construction materials, and a whole host of other things. If we rejuvenate the industry and allow the main production fo hemp to take place in impoverished countires it would go a long way in helping to curb poverty, provided the economic benefit is allowed to affect all levels of society in those countries. Another thing to mention is that hemp can grow in almost any environment, and actually improves the soil making ordinary farming much more efficient.
Education. The avarage education of a society has a DIRECT corralation between crime, high-tech jobs and median income. Educate the people and you will have a winning nation.
[QUOTE="horgen123"]They could start by not having a corrupt government. TreflisThis and not have companies outside of their country with monopoly on the Nations resources. Yeah but at the same time the government need the money they bring in. They have to do the most out of what they can with their education system. Make it easy to start a business.
Stable government, local management of national resources and good international relations. Also they must not be constantly pushed into turmoil by the american and european governemts so that they can exploit the entire continent for all it's natural resources (see africa)
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