Do you pay for it? If so, what is your way of getting it? If not, how do you access it?
Also, if you don't pay for it are you the type to think that celebrites have enough money already so you don't feed them more?
I know a lot of people who think that.
Anyway, onto my opinion.
I used to download it through P2P sites because I simply couldn't afford to buy all the music I wanted to. Also, there are some artists I just don't want to support but I still find that I like a few songs by them. So I got them.
These days though, since March 2010, I have been faithfully paying for my music, mostly through iTunes and (best site ever). I promised myself that I would pay for music and support the artists that put hard work into it because music makes me feel alive and I at least owe them that. A lot of people around me don't agree or feel the way I do, but I guess that's OK. Trust me, if you don't pay for music, I'm not really gonna judge you. Been there done that. I also buy CDs from time to time by artists I really enjoy.
I just wanted to know your opinions on the matter and how you access music, whether it's buying CDs, downloading mp3s (legally or otherwise) or subscribing to some music service.
Fire away. Also, take the poll.
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