I'd love to make reviews on gamespot, but I need to be a level 3, I've said this before. I see people with 16 posts with level 3 and people with 58 with level 3, I also see people with level 21 who have 2000+ posts.
I am writing increadible, really long descriptive reviews for Medievil and Syphon Filter for the playststion, I want to know If i'll be able to post them soon.
You dont really have to post a lot. Just pretty much hang around gamespot and watch videos, read reviews, read the latest news and ect. The easiest way of getting a higher level is just being online!!:) You can pretty much only level up a level eah day. Also, each higher level u get to, the harder it gets to pass it. So dont get frustrated if it takes a week to go to the next level
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