There's alot of ways to relief stress just curious what are the ways do you like to do it?
For me currently I like to look up mundane things on the internet usually something nostalgic from my past.
There's alot of ways to relief stress just curious what are the ways do you like to do it?
For me currently I like to look up mundane things on the internet usually something nostalgic from my past.
I burn incense. It relaxes me and gets me into a spiritual state of mind. HEM and Satya are my favourite brands.
Gaming is one stress release for me, but probably the best one is going for a walk at my local beach or lake.
Go to the gym or shower. Going camping without your phone to distract you also a great way. You come back feeling like you had a reset with your mind. All these computers over stimulate us and sometimes just slowing down your life in some forest can really boost your mood.
Cannot I get stressed that often, doesn't last long when I do. Pointless mental state, achieves nothing.
Do basic drawing exercises. Practice circles, practice line work. Simple but puts you in a zombie state.
Cannot I get stressed that often, doesn't last long when I do. Pointless mental state, achieves nothing.
That would not be true. Stress is a basic human instinct in health that everyone gets. If you don't experience stress ever there's more reason to be concerned. There's no such thing as you don't get stressed. Now some people, have a tougher time with it than others, and that's true; and you might just have your barriers well-established to help deal with it, but that does not mean you don't deal with it. That's what this thread is about: how you deal and remedy it.
There are two types of stress as well that a lot of people don't know. We have Distress, which is most commonly associated as that impeding weight that builds anxiety and all that. I'm certain the pandemic put a lot of people into distress mode.
The second form of stress is called Eustress. Eustress is most commonly associated as euphoria and excitement, highly beneficial to our own health. Eustress can be triggered naturally, for example, when you get a big promotion at work and you feel like you're at the top of your game.
Anyone that suffered from stress issues would highly benefit distinguishing the two types, and how to channel the energy one way or another. Usually if I can feel a form of distress, I'll channel it into eustress to make a positive out of it.
These are all forms of stress, but the greatest misconception people have is that stress is purely a negative or pointless thing to have, which it is not.
Me, for example: exercise is a great tool for channeling myself. If I'm ever feeling distress, I'll resort to lifting weights or going for runs, etc. Exercise has a way with bringing out that eustress and that euphoria. It's really about how we channel ourselves, not about whether or not we get stressed.
Work. I have a physical job so it's a nice relief. Unfortunately the job has been quite stressful of late so it's not really doing the trick it used to.
I really enjoyed my old college job of demolition for that reason. Man, talk about being at my prime; I was so relaxed, healthy, and in shape when I was working demolition.
If I won the lottery tomorrow, I'd probably go back to working demolition. Part-time, of course :D
Work. I have a physical job so it's a nice relief. Unfortunately the job has been quite stressful of late so it's not really doing the trick it used to.
I really enjoyed my old college job of demolition for that reason. Man, talk about being at my prime; I was so relaxed, healthy, and in shape when I was working demolition.
If I won the lottery tomorrow, I'd probably go back to working demolition. Part-time, of course :D
Funny how work can be the source of and at the same time a relief for stress.
I injured my hand a couple of months ago at work which left me unable to do lab work. Left with office work which I am in no way able to deal with the stress that follows.
Short term relief: gaming, movies, spending time with just my thoughts.
Long term: sometimes you have to make a drastic change and remove the source of the stress. Just recently I wound up quitting my old job because the work environment was beginning to grow toxic. Naturally I was scared of being out of work for too long, but I managed to find a new place of employment. Stress level is way down now and the people I work with are great. I'm grateful things worked out the way they did--i know a lot of people who don't have the option of quitting a job they hate.
Short term relief: gaming, movies, spending time with just my thoughts.
Long term: sometimes you have to make a drastic change and remove the source of the stress. Just recently I wound up quitting my old job because the work environment was beginning to grow toxic. Naturally I was scared of being out of work for too long, but I managed to find a new place of employment. Stress level is way down now and the people I work with are great. I'm grateful things worked out the way they did--i know a lot of people who don't have the option of quitting a job they hate.
This is a really fantastic choice and 100% facts. Life sometimes needs major change in order to make any difference. Short-term vices to remedy stress can be self-destruction that leads to far worse places for people. Vices can include alcohol and drug abuse, and even sex addiction if you're not responsible with these things, because they can all lead to severe consequences.
Usually if I feel like I'm at a rock and a hard place, I look from within what is going on with me. It is almost always something from within that I find the duty to change.
Sometimes it's a matter of breaking bad habits, which breaking or starting new habits can be a long-term affair, because making and breaking habits is not an overnight development. Persistence for change and the perseverance to stick with growth goes a long ways.
People who talk about exercising in is another fantastic choice that satisfies both short-term and long-term growth. In the short-term exercise may satisfy your mood and clearing your mind from stress, but in the long-term you may get in shape and you're gonna feel amazing and more motivation to do other things as a result.
I think it's important to distinguish short-term and long-term stress relief. There are benefits to having short-term relief but you also gotta be sensible that your relief isn't actually destroying you, which would ultimately be a long-term destruction.
So technically everything has short-term and long-term benefits or consequences, so I think that's the rule of thumb everyone should take into account if they're unsure of what they're doing.
Everyone should ask this question: "in the short-term I get pleasure, but in the long-term does it set me lower or higher?" Depending on your answer, you know what's good for yourself.
I don't know about stress but when I have muscle fatigue and I don't wanna get up and do anything - instead of being lethargic, I like to go get a hard massage from one of those massage chairs at the mall. Who cares *laugh*. That's all I wanted to write. Just wanted to... write something. I don't know. Whatever :)
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