I was under the impression and still am that the word AMOLED was pronounced like Ammo-Led. I started working at a Radioshack and while I was trying to explain the Galaxy phone to someone a female co worker came up and started laughing and said "haha it's not AMO-LED it's Amoled" Sounding like ammolled. I'm pretty sure I'm correct, but I didn't say anything to her yet. I wanted a confirmation before I said anything :P Pretty random topic, but she sort of semi embarrassed me in front of a potential sale.
Firstly, who cares??
Secondly, I Googled it and it came up as an acronym. You say it A,M(paused)O,L,E,D.
Not ammo-led or ammolled. If you want to make it a word, pick what you think sounds cooler, and let that girl know she's a loser for trying to one-up you on such a petty topic.
Who cares? Obviously I do! I'm a sales associates and would love to be giving my potential customers good quality service and information. And my AMMO Led is basically the same as AM-OLED. Basically I was saying that there is a pause I just spelled my pronunciation wrong. She called it amoled as if it were a word.
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