i use a tuner. or you can do it by ear just knowing the notes which i am still unable to do. or finally if you want to be more precise you play a certain sharp or falt on a different string and it shows you the note the other one should b. youll have to read though cuz i dont know it exactly
 The tuner is the easiest way to do it. Instead of adjusting the strings with the nobs built into the head, clip the tuner to the tune you want and it will pinch the strings for you. This way you won't have to **** around with your strings constantly.
C means that the pitch is dropped 2 whole steps down. That means that hitting the 4th fret on the top string, would sound as if you were hitting the string open in standard E tuning. So basically what you have to do is drop all of the strings pitch by 4 frets. If you have a tuner, that would be easiest, since you can tune each string one at a time. If you know how to tune by ear, the easiest thing to do is tune down the top string first, and work from there. Do you know how to tune by ear? By like... hitting the E string on the 5th fret, then the A string open, so that they have the same pitch? If you know how to do that, do the same thing, only instead of starting on the 5th fret on the E string, move it up 4 frets, to the 9th fret, and hit that, then the A string open, and tune the top one down until it reaches the same pitch, then you can proceed to tune by ear as you normally would for the rest of the guitar, using the 5th fret on the E string as a guideline for the A string open, tuning the A string down, Then using the A string 5th fret as a guideline for the D string open, tuning the D string down, etc etc. If you dont know how to tune by ear scratch all of that though lol. The easiest way to do it is with a tuner.
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