Never been better.
Lost a few hundred pounds (I was quite large before, to put it bluntly) and I'm sitting around 13% body fat. Hypertension is gone, sleep apnea is gone, I feel better, walking practically feels like I'm gliding, my joints don't hurt, I'm not exhausted after a day at work (to be fair, my job is physical), people treat me better socially....hell, I think a woman flirted with me the other day.
Next step is to start hitting the weights and building back a lot of muscle I lost in my weight loss routine.
@Maroxad said:
Probably the best it has ever been.
Keep adding new weights, going for longer runs. Chronic dieases gone.
It feels good saying that as an adult. Waking up every day and being able to say "Today is the oldest I've been, and I am healthier now than I was 10 years ago".
Going into my 40's in the best health of my life (well, second best...I was a beast in high school haha) and it really makes me sort of look forward to the next *fingers crossed* 40 or more years.
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