I have a real full time job, driver's license and girlfriend. But I still live with my parents. I say that's overall pretty grown up, officially.
How about you?
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I have a real full time job, driver's license and girlfriend. But I still live with my parents. I say that's overall pretty grown up, officially.
How about you?
Grown up? What?, Biologically, socially, psychologically? I could go on and then talk about deviations from norms. Seriously hard question to answer in simple terms.
Grown up? What?, Biologically, socially, psychologically? I could go on and then talk about deviations from norms. Seriously hard question to answer in simple terms.
Read my post and not just the title
I live with my parents and I've got a job but no girlfriend. The chicks tend not to go for the turians, sadly.
So I suppose I am grown up!
I have an advanced degree, the same job for the past 8 years, a wife, 3 year old son, paying a mortgage and car loan. The only thing that ties me to my earlier years is student loans.
I have a real full time job, driver's license and girlfriend. But I still live with my parents. I say that's overall pretty grown up, officially.
How about you?
If you have to ask the question, it´s proof that you are still very young and not a grown up.
Currently holding a job I like plus I also have a retirement pension
Wife, kids, house
I already traveled overseas a lot. I know how to keep a low profile if I'm in some shit-hole I don't want to be in. I can take care of myself and disappear.
I can go off-the-grid if needed be.
I also don't have a problem ratting people out, even so-called friends. I'm old enough to know even friends can stab you in the back. In short, I'm not very trusting and couldn't care less.
I have a real full time job, driver's license and girlfriend. But I still live with my parents. I say that's overall pretty grown up, officially.
How about you?
If you have to ask the question, it´s proof that you are still very young and not a grown up.
You have a weird "understanding" of the word proof.
@VaguelyTagged: same here, which is why i flipped 90% of my social circle the bird and went my own way
people are gonna have a hard time accepting you the second you deviate from the norm
my conclusion on that is that most people prefer extensions of themselves
I have a real full time job, driver's license and girlfriend. But I still live with my parents. I say that's overall pretty grown up, officially.
How about you?
If you have to ask the question, it´s proof that you are still very young and not a grown up.
You have a weird "understanding" of the word proof.
my thoughts ^
I'm married, have a kid, have my own place, my own company and I'm still not "grown up". Hell, I feel 12 most of the time =P
I am well on my way to be a fully fledged adult.
But I will not compromise my interests, hobbies, and passions for the sake of "growing up." Nope, I'll love board and video games, music, Star Wars, and whatever else catches my fancy, and not really care if people don't like it.
I bring in a middle-class income, own a house, own a car, have a girlfriend, have a baby on the way, etc. I've been to Canada, Germany, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. I'm only 28 years old.
Pretty good considering that most of the people I graduated high school with are still living in our home town; working at a gas station or Wal-Mart.
@BiancaDK: After reading Annarasumanara yesterday in one sitting, gosh your post really hits the mark.
married, own home, decent job, kid on the way. i don't think i could get more "grown up", at least on paper.
well, maybe i could go buy some life insurance and pick up golf.
i don't feel like a "grown up" at all though
I bring in a middle-class income, own a house, own a car, have a girlfriend, have a baby on the way, etc. I've been to Canada, Germany, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. I'm only 28 years old.
stay strong brother, i'll be lighting a candle for you tonight
Job, though I've been employed since I was 14, so if that makes you an adult, I am one mature dude.
Saving money, but yet to invest it; I really need to get on that, I don't plan on being wealthy but I want to be able to live comfortably for the second half of my life
Live free of parents; they're important to me, but it is kind of an American thing (it seems to me, at least) to get out of your parents' place by 18 years old
College degree. Woopdeedoo, but hey surprisingly it turns you into an adult pretty quick since you party the kid out of you, and learn to make deadlines. I mean that's mostly what adults do; say they're going to do something, do it on time, and do an acceptable job of it.
Kind of planning my next move, to be honest: really want to own my own business, but things are going pretty damn well professionally right now, so...I don't know. I'm only 32, though, lots of time...said every single 70 year old that never made a move ever :P
No wife, no kid....no plan to, really. Not really into the whole "American Dream" thing.
far from it. I'm 28 and I'm behind where I was in my early 20s. Useless degree and injuries will do that to someone.
My body (38) must be like 25 years "ahead" (I'm not sure the wording is right anyway) of my mind. Got degrees, job, career and all that but I never really felt as grown up. To make it worse, I don't feel too strong desire to get there somewhere - wherever it might be =)
I have a full time job, an apartment and a girlfriend.
Edit: I'm not sure if all of this makes me 'grown up. I'm not a big fan of the whole adulting thing.
I have a real full time job, driver's license and girlfriend. But I still live with my parents. I say that's overall pretty grown up, officially.
How about you?
It makes sense to live your parents. Why get your "own" place, and spend money on rent, when you could use that money to save up for retirement or invest instead?
If you have a long and tiring commute to work, then it'd make sense to find somewhere closer.
I could live with my parents and commute to work, but doing that 5 days a week becomes taxing on my body.
Stable job, serious and committed relationship, drivers license and living with partner. I guess I'm grown up
I have a multi million dollar company at my disposal, recently married this year in July, lost my kid a month ago, bought a new car a week ago, and haven't been to work in 3 days because I was vacationing with my wife, and yes, my parents live with us, because family.
Recently also bought a CBR650... oh man that is fun.. we sometimes ride together on it at night.. while singing.
Still in college, no girlfriend and don't intend on having one. Live with parents of course but I take care of them rather than them taking care of me. Only do internships. So yeah, far from grown up but getting there. I can safely drive a car now!
I'm 38 and live with my parents. No career, no social life really, few friends, never been in love, little education past high school (which I'm working on). But I've been battling cancer constantly since 20 on and off with the psychological burden on top of that. I'm very stunted in many areas other people would deem "grown up" at my age, but then again, many others have no clue on areas I'm a veteran in. I take solace in that when I feel inadequate.
I think in psychological terms, I was forced to grow up very quick at a very young age to one of the worst realities life has to offer and to endure it up to the present, and that's demanded immense sacrifices in nearly every area of my life that society holds up in determination of maturity.
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