first wasnt even gory, i heard the 2nd was worse so, itll be mildly gross, i found most of hostel funny, u'll like the beginning of #1 cuz theres alot of chestage but after that, its just lame, fake torture scenes, Saw is wayy better gore
Absolutely terrible. I liked the first one, but this one is just awful. Go pick up the Saw Trilogy Box Set and then see SAW IV if you want a good time ;)
Hostel shouldn't even be considered "gore porn" because there was barely any gore at all. Mostly everything took place off-screen or was implied in way or another. The only real gore in that film was the eye-ball sequence, the chick getting hit by the train, and the dude getting his throat slashed. The original Dawn of the Dead had more gore and I don't hear anyone saying that's "gore porn". :|
The movies aren't very good, but the DVD features are pretty solid, I'll give the filmakers that much. Multiple commentary tracks and pretty extensive featurettes somewhat make up for a "meh" film series. Decide for yourself if you wanna watch.
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