Could you take at once?
Here is the scenario.
It is all hand to hand combat, no weapons. The fight will take place in a normal sized school gym. Prior to the fight the 5 year olds have been given a weeks worth of training. You are given an hour worth of training. You must knock all the 5 years old unconcious in order to win, and likewise they must knock you unconsious to win. The only protection you have is a standard cup.
So how many could you take at once? And explain how you would go about fighting them.
I think I could take around 30 of the little munchkins. The thing is they are the perfect height for solid kicks, and one kick to the head would probably knock them out. And they lack the power to do alot of damage. But anymore than 30 and I think they could simply swarm and haul me down, which they could then eventually knock me out through repeated blows to the head.
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