I rarely ever go to the theater to see a movie, as I tend to just wait until a movie I'm interested in seeing comes to DVD or Cable. I think the last movie I saw in the theater was either King Kong or Revenge of the Sith (which ever came out later, I don't remember.) However, I am determined to see Spiderman 3 in the theaters with my kids in May. That movie should prove to be the best of the year.
The last three movies I saw in theatres were Pan's Labyrinth, X men: The Last Stand, and The Perfect Score. So, 2004 2006 2007. Less than one a year. Pan's labyrinth was the only one actually worth going to the hellhole known as "the movie theatres" to see. Anything else I can wait for on DVD.
I go to the movies like, almost every week. This year I've seen Chilren of Men, Pan's Labyrinth, Black Snake Moan, Blades of Glory, 300, Ghost Rider, Smokin Aces, Shooter, and a few others. Those are just the most memorable. (Except Ghost Rider was pretty bad) I definatly plan on seeing Grindhouse tomorrow, that movie is gonna be fricking sweet. And Spidey 3 at midnight! That's gonna be boss hog.
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