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My mother still tells me "not to let anything in life control you".....but I'm sure she doesn't want to loose any control she has over me. ;)
Elders think they have some superior intelligence because they have been alive longer than you, and it just vexes me when you have to listen to one of their dumb stories that nobody cares about. Listen to a story I'm about to tell you. Whenever I go to a party with my relatives, they all say the same generic thing, and it irks me beyond belief. "Wow, you're getting tall." Of course I am! Do you expect me to shrink or something? Also, my grandfather always tells me how awesome his guns are. "Guns don't kill people. People kill people!" But guns help, dude...DeathScape666And if there were no guns, people would kill people with knives, clubs, bare hands, rope, electrical wire, poison etc. I try to listen whenever an elder is giving me advice. Chances are, they've been through a lot more experiences than you have so they're just sharing knowledge.
i've been given lots of boring ones, but i've also been given some really good ones.
to deathscape666- older people may not have superior inteligence, but they do have way more experience.
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