Look over the following list and see how many of these things you have done. You have to add up the money amount along the way. Then put the amount that you are as the answer. If anybody has a good story, we're all listening.
Had sex: $10.00
Smoked: $3.00
Got drunk: $7.00
Went skinny dipping: $5.00
Kissed someone of the opposite sex: $5.00
Kissed someone of the same sex: $10.00
Cheated on a test: $2.00
Fell asleep in school: $0.50
Been in a fist fight: $10.00
Prank called the cops: $3.00
Stole something: $2.00
Done drugs: $5.00
Dyed your hair: $0.50
Ate a whole thing of oreos: $0.50
Cried yourself to sleep: $1.00
Said you love someone but didnt mean it: $1.00
Been in love: $4.00
Got caught doing something that you shouldnt have been doing:$1.00
Went streaking: $4.00
Got arrestested:$5.00
Madeout with someone: $2.00
Peed in the pool: $0.50
Played spin the bottle: $1.00
Done something you regret: $3.00
Wished someone dead: $5.0
Yeah. I'm cheap. :D
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