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I dont think Indians were influenced by demons, they were just spiritual people seeking enlightment. The devil has been influencing people from the very beggining, if you know about the story of Noah, God wiped out the entire world because they were all sinners and noone much cared for God except for Noah, thats why he was saved.
I think they have alot. One would be other religions. Like the Indians believed in Spirits and ect. I think it was just demons messing with them. The 50s period till now.. I think when drug use rose, that was a gateway for demons to corrupt the youth and create rock and ect. Well that`s what I believe. Meh___Guylets dissect this statement
"the Indians believed in Spirits and ect. I think it was just demons messing with them." u think christianity the only way? we dont even know if its right!!! wat if christianity actually satan's work and buddhism or hinduism is god's true religion
"I think when drug use rose, that was a gateway for demons to corrupt the youth and create rock and ect." drugs was here before rock was here. therefore, god created it. and rock is not the devil music and if it is at least it sounds good
and u write etc not ect
lets dissect this statement[QUOTE="Meh___Guy"]I think they have alot. One would be other religions. Like the Indians believed in Spirits and ect. I think it was just demons messing with them. The 50s period till now.. I think when drug use rose, that was a gateway for demons to corrupt the youth and create rock and ect. Well that`s what I believe. MRZA
"the Indians believed in Spirits and ect. I think it was just demons messing with them." u think christianity the only way? we dont even know if its right!!! wat if christianity actually satan's work and buddhism or hinduism is god's true religion
"I think when drug use rose, that was a gateway for demons to corrupt the youth and create rock and ect." drugs was here before rock was here. therefore, god created it. and rock is not the devil music and if it is at least it sounds good
and u write etc not ect
ect not ect?The correct version is etc. as in etcetera. On topic, I must disagree with you on all of that except the drugs part.
To say that any other religion is "wrong" is setting yourself into close-mindedness since there is no definitive proof of one over the others. That's why I believe in "multiple paths up the mountain." That is, whatever the almighty being is, he obviously wouldn't present himself the same way to all peoples. Every salesman knows that they need a different pitch for different people. So I think that every religion is correct except atheism. At least agnostics (REAL agnostics, not those who call themselves agnostic soas not to be called closeminded) are giving it a chance of sorts.
Abusive drug use could potentially be a portal to demonic influence, but so can any "sin." To say that one kind of music is demonic without any reasons why or examples is ridiculous.
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