Based on this awesome prank - watch first so you realize this thread isn't that serious.
Well, how much? We'll get you a nice big check and you can put whatever number you want, all you gotta do is kill a puppy with your bare hands, drown it, choke it, whatever, but you must do it with your hands.
Horrible to even think about right? Well, how about for 10 thousand dollars? Oh...not good enough...10 million? your just eager to kill huh?
-but in all seriousness I wouldn't do it, I just couldn't kill a puppy, I love dogs too much to do it, unless it was that one ugly dog with that horrible disease that everyone posts a picture of, I'd be "mercy killing" that dog.
but to keep this fair, it must be this kind of puppy - no terminal illnesses kind of puppy.
Adorable eh? -well there's a price on it's head now... would you kill it with your bare hands?
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