so let me tell you a little story that happened last night. me and 3 of my boys were at a party, but we decided to leave cause it wasn't very exciting at the moment. anyway, as we were walking back, this gang of like 5 or 6 black boys and some 3 or 4 latino boys 'grilled us'. it was all good, we didn't pay any mind. anyways, we went back to the car, and they went to theirs. then, the leader i guess, came up to my boy and acted all hard. saying ''it's real funny huh?!'' then, they started fighting, he was wearing rings, so my boy got hurt pretty bad but only in the upper head, not in the face. no one else of their gang jumped in, so it was like a 1 on 1. me and my friends didn't know what to do. whether to jump in and help, or just watch. but if we would've jumped in, we would've been curb stomped and robbed. not pretty. so then after the fight is over, the leader says ''you think that makes you a man! it's these that make you a man!! (his fists)'' all the while i was thinking to myself 'i wish i could ****ing shoot you in the face with a beretta. i mean wow, what the hell? he was way older than us, and we were vastly outnumbered. me and my boys can scrap, but we're no spartans. we can't take on superior numbers. i felt like a coward afterwards. anyways, i was wondering how old you had to be to carry a portable lifesaver? nothing fancy, just a handgun that'll brow a man's brains out.
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