Hello, I am in High school. I have a Graphic Imaging 2 class at the end of the day. There is this girl who I've only known for a short while and had little talking with. She sits beside me at the computers ( I chose a spot next to her). I've seen her at the begining of class and after take little looks at me. As I look at her, her eyes look away. I don't know if this means she likes me or she just looks around the room and somtimes at people. She seems really nice and shy. Somtimes when i make the teacher laugh at somthing i make she'll look over and laugh too. I would ask her out but here are some setbacks.
* I never went straight up to a girl and asked her out ( i have had GF's before)
* I am nervous
* I know the worst thing she can say is "no" but I'm still nervous outa my skull
*The room is mostly silient, so.... kinda acward for the only voice to be a guy asking a girl out.
* She doesn't take the bus so IDK where to ask her.
*None of my friends are in that class so I can't find out if she would say yes even if I asked her
So what do you think I should do. It's hard for me to figure this out on my own
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