LOL @ some of the advice.
Why fight for someone who stopped fighting for you? Love is a two way street and after your broken up the more pushing you do to get back together the further you push them away.
So what do you do?
You pull away. If she dumps you, then stop picking up her calls, delete her from your phone, stop any contact and you will see her calling and finding out why your not upset or crying. If you play it cool and show you can live life without her and be just as happy then shes ten times more likely to want you back. If she does want you back you don't just take her back like a chump, you make her work for it.
Women respect men who respect themselves and not little girly guys who write love songs for them after they break up with them or love poems or any other form of begging and pleading type behaviour.
That being said, usually the smartest thing to do after a break up is to move on, especially if cheating was involved. If cheating wasn't involved then people can still get back together assuming they both work on what broke them up in the first place.
Anyway, for those of you going through a break up go read up on attraction and how it works. Typical behaviour of someone whos been dumped is to be needy, desperate, available and everything that goes against the basic rules of building or in this case, rebuilding attraction.
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