How many times have I been drunk? I honestly don't know. Since, we're I live, there are parties every weekend. it happens allot.
And half the time I don't even remember the night before.
Not being drunk? No, it's never okay. We're I come from, 13 year olds drink Jack like it's pop.
How much do I drink a night?It depends, And I don't really count. The last "party" I remember, had, 6 packs of Bud light, 2 bush light packs. ( we just shot-gun the beer ). Only 5 people, we drank that, then later that night we got alcohol, we had a bottle of Vodka for everyone, and my favorite, Jack, and we had alot of that, a few packs.
That was the smallest party I've ever been to, and that's the one of the smallest amounts of beer/alcohol we've had. I know you're thinknig that's pretty bad, and I agree. But,anyways I never really count mine.
Last party I was at, i don't remember. that's how much I drank. I found out later I was pissing and throwing up at the same time on the side of my buddies truck.
Partying, how old am I?I'm 16 dude, and I don't party EVERY weekend, and I actually just started partying at the end of last year.
Being a lightweight saves money?I agree, saves allot of money. I'm light weight, I think.
Here you have Cody's guide to partying.
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