First of all, this guide has no relationship to this.
Disclaimer: The following text written by the_foreign_guy should be used at your own risk. Results may vary. I am not responsible for anybody who's sarcasm detector is broken. Steam-dry only.
So you want to be good a good poster on Gamespot, but you don't know how? If so, then this guide is for you. You want to be the most popular user on Gamespot? Well, this guide is also for you. Do you want to get banned? Well guess what? This guide is also for you.
First of all, most of the things I mentioned in the above link should be followed. Yes, that means no 1337 5p34|< because it's very annoying. Good grammar is also a plus if you want to fake, I mean look intelligent.
Quoting Pictures and General Responses
First and foremost, when quoting a large amount of pictures, do not include those pictures. I hate scrolling the mousewheel down for something I already saw. This goes the same for quote chains of 5+. Seriously.
Also, one word replies are equally annoying. Please stop. gb2aim.
Kissing Ass
If you want to go far and become popular, kiss as much ass as you can. You might have a little brown on your nose, but you'll be on everyone's good side. Who knows, maybe you'll become a mod one day. :lol: Yeah right. Keep dreaming. :cry: No seriously. :|
Speaking of being popular, the best thing to do to be popular is to have a memorable sig/username/avatar. If you don't have these things, there's still hope, so stop crying. You can try posting in different color. You can even try using a unique catchphrase or something. Or even both! ~de arimasune
It might be annoying to some. It might be cool to others. Either way, you're getting attention!
Either that, or just troll everyone! You might not be popular in a good sense. But you'll be infamous for being bad! You badass you! Have fun being banned though!
Thread Hijacks
How do you know if you're doing it right? If you discreetly hijack a thread! That's right. Turn it into a mini roll call. This is how you know you're successful. Others might not see it, but that's okay. It takes two to tango, but it takes 2 or more to make a thread hijack happen. Not only is this fun, but you won't be bored with the same general responses! Don't worry either, because all threads stray away from the intended topic. Hell, it usually ends up in flaming, so you're doing the thread a favor. I mean, look at the religion threads.
Oh, and if you can discreetly hijack this thread, you're winrar who deserves a cookie. You don't need this guide!
Teh Funnay!
Memorable users post witty comments and make people laugh. This can be done with funny pictures, comments, jokes, videos, etc. The more funnay you are, the faster you will be at being moderated and ultimately being banned. Why is this? Well, most fun stuff are usually bad. Look at movies and videogames. The most entertaining things are PG-13 or R or T or M. The really amazing stuff are 18+. Cigarettes are bad for you, and so is alcohol. But people have fun with these things because it's intended for a higher age! Think about it. I'll let you soak this in for a moment...
Okay, time's up. There you have it. This is why YLYL threads aren't funny. Because you probably have seen everything and the good stuff gets moderated! You'll be a hero for being funny, but you'll also get banned. :)
Have fun OT!
~the_foreign_guy! ^_^
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