Look at girl.
Say "Hello."
Mission accomplished.
Why do some of you try to act smart? Just saying hi to someone doesn't automatically make them your friend.
The question was "how to talk to a girl who you want to be friends with but not come of as you want something more or sound creepy. And I know women are humans.
No, strking conversation DOES make you friends... People don't become your friends by sitting around looking at them and making posts about them on the internet...
I don't know what you want to hear? No one here knows anything about this person... So no one can tell you what to talk about...
Its not like there is some set rule of talking to a girl that says "First do the electric slide up to her, then say "OMG BECKY, LOOK AT HER BUTT, ITS LIKE SO OUT THERE YOU KNOW!" ... Then put on your cool sun glasses and you are in."
Ok, Hello, Hello. WERE FRIENDS NOW!!!!
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