If anything, there should be more slaves, I still haven't got one. And don't most organisms fight themselves? What about mating rights, territory, superiority. Humans are intelligent, but we're still animals. I think most of the bad in the world comes from our more base instincts, e.g. the lust for power (like most pack animals fight their way to the top, like a lion in a pride). Humanity has always had its bitter quarrels, they're just becoming more apparent because we're getting more and more powerful weapons. As for "people are getting less intelligent", you can't possibly believe that, right? More people are being educated now than at any other time in history. And it's quite a sweeping statement to say that the average woman wants beauty over brains. The thing about the world today is that the Earth (as it is today) couldn't cope with with living standards as high as the ones the majority of Westerners enjoy. Therefore, there's a spectrum of wealth in the world, there needs to be very poor people to be very rich people. Take some African countries. They're given money and aid, only for it to be stolen and abused by their corrupt leaders. The purpose of most human behaviour, it seems to me, is to become better than others, the strive for superiority. I think this comes from the animal instinct to fight your way to the top to be dominant, then being able to pass on your genes. We seem slightly doomed to this too. Take the USA for example. The founders wanted a land of hope and opportunity, a land where everyone would be equal. Of course, human nature has taken over and it's become a country where wealth and success seems to dominate how important a person you are. This, at least how I see it, has lead to the creation of a sort of aristocracy, the sort of things that people went to America to escape, and the things that America fought against. Anyway, I sort of got lost in thought there, so make of that what you will. In my opinion, humanity will be caught in an endless cycle of people fighting for equality, seeming to achieve it, only to fall into the trap of letting a gap between rich and poor come into existence again, only for people to fight for their freedom and equality again. I see the main problem today as greed, which I think comes from the animal way of thinking people have. It's actually quite interesting to see how much human behaviour is animal-like. Fights over religion are like fights between different packs of animals, lust for power is like a mammal rising through the pack to become dominant and be able to mate, hatred over anything different is like an animal trying to destroy all competition. I doubt the world would be any different if any other animal had evolved to our level of intelligence instead. The very nature of life is the fight for survival, and that's basically what's at the heart of the "evils" of the world today I think. I doubt the world will ever change that much. For every good Samaritan that helps you, there's plenty of others ready to walk past you laying on the roadside. I hope I'm wrong though.karriston
oh but earth does have enough resources, just the people in power dont want us using it, because they will lose profits.and second the quote about women and beauty... was a quote off of someone elses sig on here.....
and i found it to be sad, which is why i included it...
the only way the world wont change is cause people dont want it to...
too many people are just fine with the way it is...
too many people dont understand potential...
and it is all help back by profit... determines education, skills, likes, dislikes, media, information... it determines everything...
its like diet foods, do you think that if you actually lost wieght with it, you would keep buying it once you lost all the weight... lol no you wouldnt, cause they would lose profits, so they just make it to where you really dont lose the waight they promise you will lose. lol.
anyways. im heading off now...
it is all up to yourselves...
you have your hand held in life from parents, peers, governments, tv, some god...
its time to take responsibility for yourselves. and once this is reached... humanity will trully start to grow in something other than sheer numbers.
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