Like i`m alright talking to simple cute girls and all.
But then i see really hot girl its so hard to talk i dont know. It seems like i`m trying to ignore them , but i dont want to.
You know how it feels then you look at that hot girl , and she starts walking near you , you just keep staring away from her?
Weird huh?
observation: actually what we see here is the reaction of the mind to the percived reality looked through the filters that society has brainwashed into us. first you see a girl and compare it to the "ideal" woman in your mind, then you imagine (and also probably quite mistaken, unfortunately) what a girl like that will want out of a man, then you compare this imaginary man to yourself and see that you dont posses the qualities he has.
problem: the problem with all of this is that all of it is an illusion, first of all, unless you are a psychic, you cannot know what she really look for in a man, secondly because of your inferiority complex (that is quite common, and most important not permanent) you believe you are not good enough.
solution: over coming this is not easy, and yet, it is a worthy goal, and like every worthy thing in this world we must work diligently to acquire it, the same way you cant learn a language in one day, dont expect perfection at first. while there are many books from people who overcome this, i have one advice for you, shed all fear of yourself and charge into battle
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