So here's a bit of news.
To sum it up quickly, security has been tightened in Olympia for the torch lighting ceremony because of protests against holding the games in the People's Republic of China. It should come as no surprise that many of these are Tibetan independence activists. To make matters more complicated, the torch is planned to run through Tibet. Rather unfortunate given recent events involving the region. It's important to note that the route was planned before
Alright, so now comes my opinion on the matter. Honestly, I don't think the Olympics should be held in China at all. I see no reason why a celebration of human achievement and potential should be held in a totalitarian country with such a terrible human rights record. I honestly think that the games have no place outside the Free World. Off the top of my head, we have the United States, Britain, France, Germany, Iceland, Belgium, Switzerland, Greece, Sweden, Norway, Japan, South Korea, etc etc. Granted most of those don't have a perfect human rights record, but can you name a country that does? I'm not going to lie and say that the USA is perfect in that area by any means. Still, those are all free nations now, people have basic established rights and the government won't try to stop you from living how you see fit and gives the people the right to participate in government and make decisions. In contrast, I just don't believe that when a government restricts what people can see on the Internet, listens in on phone calls, and overall restricts so many basic rights for the simple reason of opposition to the regime. In contrast, Western countries have protests all the time and I never recall seeing an Abrams roll down the streets of Los Angeles because of immigration rights demonstrations or anti-war protests.
My point is that we shouldn't have the games in China until they clean up their act. Why should we celebrate what humans are capable of in a country that doesn't even allow the people to vote (One party sham elections don't count) or even demonstrate wishing for the right to vote? Why should humanity be celebrated somewhere where it's suppressed?
And if nothing else, the environmental conditions are too bad to compete in and I don't think that it's possible to fix them up enough by summer time, but it might happen, you never know.
That's just my two cents anyway. What do you all think
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