Lets face it folks. Pirates are everywhere. In our oceans, our rivers, and our public swimming pools. Young kids grow up exposed to a life of danger and excitement on the high seas which is glamorized and reinforced through the media's unhealthy and unrealistic portrayal of piracy. Popular books and films like Treasure Island and Pirates Of The Caribbean glamorize the pirate lifestyle. Popular best selling video games like "Sid Meier's Pirates!" and "Escape From Monkey Island also contribute to this epidemic. Kids are especially sensitive to these unhealthy portrayals of pirates. This filth is nothing but danger for them. Just look at the situation in Somalia!
These kids grow up poor without any positve role models thinking that piracy is a way to get what they want. Kids are increasingly wearing parrots on their shoulders and removing their eyeballs, arms and legs so they can replace them with highly fashionable eye patches, hook hands and peg legs. On the oceans robbery and assault have increased substantially. Many commercial Atlantic shipping frigates have reported their bounty of spices and jewels from the Americas ransacked and plundered and their crew taken captive or killed by these hoodlums. Schools have implemented various measures to combat this menace including banning the flying of the "Jolly Roger" on school grounds but this has had little effect.
The life of a pirate always ends in tragedy and most of these kids meet their end in a number ofways. Some of these kids have succumbed to scurvy while others have been tried in a maritime court and sentinced to hang. Once one enters the pirate life it is next to impossible to leave. Many kids are forced to "walk the plank" which is a horrific practice in which potential pirate defectors are forced to step off of a moving ship into the ocean to their deaths.
Actual pirate life is dangerous and harmfull and kids are being taught that its "cool" to be a pirate. With no positive role models how can they be expected to filter these harmfull images? Pirates are criminals and murderers! Not role models! When is somebody going to say something?
Look at these examples of how the media sells piracy to our kids. We have to do something!
Example A: Pirates Of The Carribean
Example B: Sid Meiers. Pirates
Example C: I don't know what this is...
Example D: Esacpe From Monkey Island
We have to stand up!
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