That I was actually witnessing a zombie apocalypse uprising.
It was so vague, yet so detailed. And it was very usettling and actually quite scary for me. I know that we all talk about our theories when something like this happens, what would we do. Despite the theories I came up for myself, my dream was totally out of my control and very random at that.
So it all started that I was in a heavily populated area and we were all going about to get ready of some festival that they celebrate annually. So there was a main person that I was somehow close to me, like a friend, but I don't know who this person was. In my head, I knew there was going to be a zombie incident, but I didn't warn anybody because i was too scared. How this particular zombie apocalypse is setup, is that certain areas will have very aggressive zombies that will eat anything and everything, and some zombies who are not as aggressive, but still dangerous, and there are zombies who are still intact with themselves, but are slowly turning into zombies.
I didn't know what the trigger would be, and it started to rain outside. I ran outside trying to find a safe haven, and I got even more frightened, because I noticed that from moving from building to building, there's a lot of open space for anybody to come tackle me and kill me.
I ran through one small building and out the back area where people were trying to wrap up their bbq party, when people started to attack each other. At that moment, I realized that hell has begun, and my time is short. So I had some people chasing after me, they weren't too fast, but enough for me to really get going. I climbed up a really large tree, and they seemed to be able to climb up with no problems. I jumped down and ran up these stairs into an isolated building that was maybe 2 stories high, and you can freely run underneath it (I don't know if I'm explaining this right) and it had support beams underneath and it only had one entrance. Some survivors followed me and we barracaded ourselves into this building that unfortunately had high & wide windows but luckily cannot be reached.
So there's probably like 20 or so people in this room, and we were all wet, scared and tired. We had to cover up some of the windows so we don't draw attention to ourselves, because everytime we looked out the windows, one zombie would look at us and a sworm of zombies would flock into our direction, pounding supports and the door.
So we thought we were safe, but we then found out that there was some survivors who were slowly turning into zombies. When we tried to figure out what to do with them and how to handle the problem, one stupid woman went crazy scared and broke the barricade and opened the door. A sworm of zombies came in and started eating everyone, I managed to hide under some garbage in a corner and tried to play dead (i don't know why). The zombie got on the ground and looked at me directly and stared me down and my heart was littereally pounding in ultimate fear when I was saved by my alarm clock.
Man I never had such a vivid dream and it was extremely scary. Thoughts?
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