I finally did it. I made a move on the Asian girl in my history class. I was sitting in my BCAI class when, all of the sudden, I thought to myself "I'm bored, why don't I do something about it?" so I logged onto my computer and created a little card/note thing for the girl I've been crushing on. On the card I labeled it "Please Be Mine" and wrote our names at the bottom strung together with a plus symbol. On the second sheet of the card, I asked her to sophomore formal. I also included my phone number and e-mail address and let her know that I liked her a lot. Then, in geometry class, Ms. Sass passed out cookies and other goodies for doing so good on the first semester test, and I chose Oreos. Of course, I didn't eat them myself, I put them with the card I had made and gave them to my love interest. When she received them, she gave me a big full smile, and I gave her back the same. Now I'm confused about what to do next. This happened yesterday, and she hasn't called or e-mailed me yet. I want to hug her, kiss her, and everything, and I just don't know what to do next.
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