The harsh reality was already spoken. You don't have much going for you. You are going to have to settle. There are plenty of people in this world that have a lot going for them, so the odds are stacked against you. This goes double for a dating site. Point and case:
1. More men will be on there than women. This is just the law of the internet.
2. Girls have a wider range to target, sociologically. They usually go 2 years younger to 10 years older, whereas guys usually choose to go just younger. If you are already young, the floor is hit pretty quickly.
3. Women on the internet are not any less shallow then women you will meet at the local mall in your town. So you aren't really gaining anything.
complete and utter bull****, at least concerning the "not a lot going on" aspect.
Get off the internet, go out. I was a diehard introvert too, but you know that show Dexter? Yup...just fake it, like Dexter. And as Henry, Dexter's dad, said "You might just end up having fun".
Get a job in retail or dealing with customers, that will quickly help you overcome any insecurities you have communicating with strangers.
I am still an introvert; 5 out of 7 days I go to work and come home and sit in my room for the rest of the day lol. But I go out ,and I fake being sociable and it generally works out in my favor. I do not "have a lot going on" for me either; I work, cook, eat, drink beer, and play video games but women like a man's attitude above all else.
We aren't talking about real life, though. We are talking about internet dating. And unless he plans on lying...not much going for him. I didn't say anything about real life dating. That is a different ball game. Even the biggest losers can (and usually do) score a lot of women.
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